Your logh Purity Test Results
You answered "yes" to 41 of 100 questions, making you 59.0% logh pure (41.0% logh corrupt).
According to the scoring guide, your logh experience level is: Advisor - you get to have your sound advice ignored by your incompetent commanding officer, eventually resulting in the fleet's defeat.
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 26%, based on a comparison of your test results with 264 other submissions for this test.
Кто смотрел хотя бы первый сезон LoGH (и знает меня), тот поймёт, почему при виде этого результата меня разобрал истерический хохот. Ну честное слово, я не мухлевала! Оно само получилось! :)))