Did you think it was impossible to portray a NC-17 scene in the opera by vocal means only, without a picture? I did, too. Until I heard the Nerone/Poppea duet by one of the hottest Mezzos In Pants Alice Coote and soprano Danielle De Niese (if you saw "Giulio Cesare" with Sarah Connolly, she's the Cleopatra there). So, get your kids away from the speakers and click the "Play" button:
Again, thanks Anik for the tip.
Я думала, у меня покраснеет даже фикус. А мне самой захотелось срочно пойти выпить чего-нибудь холодненького. %)
I thought my rubber plant would blush in its pot! Gotta leave and drink something cold now. %)