Arashi (arashi_opera) wrote,

  • Mood:


As I've previously mentioned, I bought a new perfume (which was charmingly called "lol", even with a smiley). Now my pillows smell of vanilla, my shirts smell of vanilla, my HAIR smells of vanilla. stop reading sugary romantic fanfiction, stupid! I didn't think it had so much vanilla in it. At first it seemed more like a flower scent. But I love vanilla, it just suits me so well. ^_^ (My inner fangirl loves it, too, lol. :D)

  • А так я встретила нынешний Хэллоуин

    Ежу ясно, на что аллюзия, но у меня это всегда на 31 октября. Исключений не помню.

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    С Днём N7 всех коммандеров Шепардов этой и любой другой галактики! Stand strong, stand together!

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