Arashi (arashi_opera) wrote,

  • Music:
Поздравляю с днём рождения замечательного istanaro! Всего вам с Жирафой самого лучшего и светлого!



Come, my friend, here’s your horse,
Come together!
Come, my friend, here’s your oar,
Come, let’s go!

Lead is singing, its tune’s not bringing
A happy end to this romance.
It seems our friend was called to that amusing ball
Where bullets sing and rapiers dance.
Seas and roads won’t part our souls,
Be together – that is our motto.
They are saying we’re disobeying
But we only are too devoted.
And so be it, and so be it,
And so be it: let’s go!


That old hatcher who made adventures,
When did he care of his neck?
A duel is the same regardless of its name.
It’s either feat or low act.
Names don’t matter but foul clatter
And fair chase we can well distinguish.
Lies are seen when your eyes are keen
In a good deal of truth and fiction.
And so be it, and so be it,
And so be it: let’s go!

Tags: translation

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  • 200 лет Верди!

    Поздравляю всех нас с юбилеем самого знаменитого оперного маэстро! Ура-а-а-а! :)) Инджой. :)

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