Да, и ещё перепрошили BIOS, точно.
А про проблему и возможное решение я, пожалуй, перепощу сюда с форума:
PROBLEM: Random crashes. Description: While NOT playing games, ie doing anything in 2D or when the computer would go idle or into screen powersaver mode, the crashes were almost certain. Windows graphical corruptions were also a tell-tale sign of the card being unstable and an impending crash.
(Описание: когда НЕ играешь в игру, т. е. делаешь что-нибудь в 2D, или компьютер простаивает, или начинается экранная заставка, виснет почти наверняка. Графические глюки Windows тоже означали, что карта нестабильна и скоро зависнет.)
My solution: Again after much reading, I came to the conclusion that Windows 64bit was not playing nice with my 5870’s powerplay function. Mainly that the idling 157 clock speed was not enough to keep the card stable when idle. After updating the card’s bios, I could go hours without a crash when playing a game, but then it would crash after I was done, when it sat idle on the desktop.
I came across this solution that forces the card to idle (2D) at a higher clock. I had to set it to a clock speed that Windows 7 would be happy with. (For me this was 400 when idle, and the stock 850 when running games)
(Решение: я пришёл к выводу, что Windows 64-бит плохо взаимодействует с функциями питания моей 5870 видеокарты. В основном - что частоты простоя 157 было недостаточно для стабилизации карты в режиме простоя. После апгрейда BIOS карты я мог часами играть без всяких глюков, но стоило мне выйти из игры и просто открыть рабочий стол, всё висло.
Способом решения стало повысить тактовую частоту простоя (работы в 2D). Пришлось выставить такую частоту, которая Win 7 больше по душе. В моём случае это было 400 в режиме простоя и стандартная 850 в игре.)
1. Open Catalyst Control Center
2. Unlock and Enable Overdrive if they aren’t already.
3. Go to Options/Profiles/Profiles Manager. Create a new profile. Under composition make sure “ATI Overdrive” is checked. Save and Close, DO NOT ACTIVATE.
4. In windows go to: C:\Users\{yourusername}\AppData\Local\AT
5. Open the xml document with the name of the profile you just created (notepad is fine)
6. Change the values of the Clock and Memory speeds to look like this (these specific values are what worked for me and my card, use judgment) EDIT ONLY THE BOLD VALUES.
Feature name="CoreClockTarget_0"
Property name="Want_0" value="40000"
Property name="Want_1" value="60000"
Property name="Want_2" value="85000"
Feature name="MemoryClockTarget_0"
Property name="Want_0" value="90000"
Property name="Want_1" value="90000"
Property name="Want_2" value="120000"
7. Save and close. Go back to CCC and activate the profile you just created.
This will make the card idle at 400core, 900memory. (2D clocks are the "Want_0" values)
Conclusions/Observations: My system has been completely stable for 4 days now, whereas before I would get 2-3 crashes each day.
Works fine for me (Win XP 32-bit), too. At least, for now.